We Can Make You #1 in Google!

You probably receive several emails a week promising you something just like this.

Before signing up with a company that promotes such extraordinary claims, we want to give you a few tips and some solid advice based on what we've been seeing throughout the industry. We also have a special announcement at the end of the article!

4 Clues To Spotting a Reputable SEO Company

  1. First Page For What?

    Upon examining a few companies asserting that they've helped clients get to #1 on Google, we were surprised to find just how misleading their claims can be.

    For example, one company claimed to have gotten one of their clients to #1 for "eyedoctor lasvegas". But would a potential patient looking for an eye doctor in Las Vegas type this? The simple answer is,"NO". Of course the practice is coming up first for this query, but since no one will ever type this, it is MEANINGLESS.

  2. Who Have They Helped?

    Many "SEO" companies have ZERO experience with small business owners wanting to attract local audiences. To make matters more complex, some companies only focus on general SEO, leaving out the fact that general SEO and local SEO are different beasts. Add to this that some companies only prioritize paid advertising for keywords, failing to mention the other avenues available to make a local online impact.

  3. How Much Will This Cost A Month?

    Once in a blue moon, a practice will need ongoing, monthly "SEO" support for an extended period. However, this is NOT needed 99% of the time. We've seen clients living in small-town USA charged $600+/month for vague SEO enhancements.

    SEO Scam

    A reputable company will explain that there are fundamental enhancements that can be made on a one-time basis, or for a short time period of 3-6 months, while thereafter there are some basic office procedural changes and patient outreach maintenance that can be done monthly.

  4. You're From Where?

    We're frequently asked to make SEO content updates for clients who've contracted with a 3rd party SEO company, and are regularly surprised to find that the requested modifications are either spelled incorrectly or sometimes just don't make sense.

    This is usually a result of a company outsourcing their workload to another country in order to cut down on costs. Unfortunately, the workers they get to complete the work, many times from India, Russia, the Phillipines or the like, do not speak English as their first language.

Take-Away & How EyeMotion Can Help!

One thing we want to make extremely clear is that we take our clients' businesses and budgets extremely seriously. Our first priority is serving you in the best and most efficient way that we possibly can.

Because of this, we're finalizing a partnership with one of the best minds in the local SEO field, we'll announce this soon, so that you no longer need to wade through SEO spam from companies who are only looking for a buck. You will now have access to a highly respected, ethical local SEO specialist who is ON YOUR SIDE. We wouldn't have it any other way.