Top 2 Web Tips to Increase Holiday Sales

It's always a good idea to put yourself in your patient's shoes, and this time of year is especially important.  We've got 2 Simple and FREE ways to make dropping by and making purchases as easy as can be! 

Keep It Simple & Stress-Free for Customers

  1. Open, or Not? Take the Guesswork Out of Office Hours.

    How many times have you been running end-of-year errands, checked your phone, and wondered if the store you wanted to go to was actually open or not? Or worse yet, you assumed it was, then drove halfway across town to find it was closed, or would be closing in 5 minutes? 

    It turns out that there are 2 equally important places online to post updated Holiday Hours.

    • Update Hours on Your Website:

      After a long day, you could be too tired to take a look at what a patient or prospective customer might be seeing when they click on your website from the search results. If you did, more than likely you'd find that your office hours could be a bit more accurate for days such as Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, etc.

      If you need a refresher on how to log in to your website or how to make these updates, let us know! We’re more than happy to help! 

    • Add Special Hours to GMB:

      Your website and Google (where 85-95% of our client’s web traffic originates) have a symbiotic relationship. Whereas your website is the ultimate tool for providing a comprehensive view of your practice and gives SEO signals, Google also helps patients find you via their various uniform business profiling resources.

      Most of you already have a Google My Business (GMB) account, where you’ve verified your practice. On November 6th, GMB began offering an option called “Special Hours” where specific hours can be set for specific dates and up to 365 days in advance. Once done, these hours show up highlighted on a GMB result. 

  2. Create Awareness About Sales, FSA Fund Info, & News.

    Shopping-related searches on mobile have increased 120% year over year, with Sunday being 18% more popular than other days! Therefore, it’s important to make sure your website lets visitors know what you have to offer, even if you’re not open.

    Did you know there is a fantastic tool that you can take advantage of on your website to accomplish just that? It’s a Blog, and it’s basically an online newspaper for your practice. You’ve heard of Blogs before no doubt, but perhaps you thought they were intimidating. We want to help clients understand the benefits and ease-of-use of this “Latest News” tool.

    Not sure if you’ve got one activated on your website? Give us a call and we’ll help! Once you’ve added some office news, you can then take that link and add it to your various social media outlets manually, or you can use another Free tool called to post automatically!

    Once you’ve got a Blog up and running, the benefits in terms of enhanced visitor experience and SEO are great! We’ll be doing another article on all the benefits, but for this Holiday season, just know that it’s the quickest way to let people and search engines know about your latest offerings.