Educate, engage and attract new patients with Eye IQ social media

Social media has proven to be a highly effective way to attract new customers, especially when it features informative video and useful content.

We all know the importance of content marketing: It can educate and engage patients, actively influence purchasing decisions and foster loyalty to your business.

Regular social media posts are a great way to attract and keep the attention of your customers.

Our innovative Eye IQ Digital Marketing Platform makes posting to social media easy. From a single point, you can send posts to Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, which means you won’t have to visit each site separately to share your new posts – and we even provide professionally produced content that you can use.

Successful use of social media can improve referrals and play an essential role in your sales. Since your customers are active on social media, your posts provide an environment where people can learn and share that information with others.

Being active on social media can also increase visits to your regular website. That’s because social media is increasing in importance as an SEO ranking signal. Being talked about and mentioned on social media is a positive signal that shows you are popular and have content worth sharing and talking about. This can help Google regard your website as being more authoritative, which is one of the many signals that helps your website rank higher in search results.

Today, approximately three-quarters of shoppers will research a company online before making a purchase. Social engagement, customer reviews and other aspects contribute to someone’s decision to make that purchase.

Isn’t it time that you regularly reach out to customers via social media with the kind of content that makes them want to know more about you and your practice?

The Eye IQ Digital Marketing Platform can make that happen. Learn more about what it can do for you!

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