The world's first and only water gradient contact lenses.

In a survey, eye care professionals rated DAILIES TOTAL1® Contact Lenses highest in overall performance.1


The innovative design of DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses features a unique water gradient:

  • Approaching 100% water at the outermost surface provides a silky-smooth surface for comfort that lasts until the end of the day
  • 6 times more breathable than the leading daily disposable contact lens for white, healthy looking eyes


  • Breakthrough design of DAILIES TOTAL1® water gradient contact lenses allows:
  • Exceptional comfort that lasts until the end of the day4††
  • Exceptional breathability* for white, healthy-looking eyes.3


  • People who want exceptional comfort until the end of the day.
  • People looking for a highly breathable* daily disposable contact lens, for white, healthy-looking eyes.3


* In vitro measurement of unworn lenses. ** High oxygen transmissible lenses; DAILIES TOTAL1® (delefilcon A) contact lenses: Dk/t = 156 @ -3.00D. Other factors may impact eye health. Ask your eye care professional for complete wear, care, and safety information.

References: 1. In a survey of 207 eye care professionals; Alcon data on file, 2014. 2. Angelini T, Nixon R, Dunn A, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500. 3. In a clinical study with 80 patients; Alcon data on file, 2011. 4. Based on the ratio of lens oxygen transmissibilities; Alcon data on file, 2010.

For more detailed information you can view the following: DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® Package Insert, DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® Patient Instruction Booklet, DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® Professional Fitting Guide, DAILIES TOTAL1® Package Insert, DAILIES TOTAL1® Patient Instruction Booklet and DAILIES TOTAL1® Professional Fitting Guide

© 2014 Novartis

 Ask your eye care professional for wear, care, and safety information

†Eye exam may be required. Professional fees may apply. At participating offices. DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus®, DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® Toric, DAILIES® AquaComfort Plus® Multifocal and the Alcon® logo are trademarks of Novartis AG.