AOA on Kids' Eye Exams

Back-to-school season is a great time to schedule an eye appointment.

80% Of Learning Is Visual

It is estimated that 80% of a child’s learning occurs through his or her eyes. That’s right, 80%! Although many schools conduct regular vision screenings, these tests are limited. While vision screenings are good, there is no substitute for a thorough eye exam in order to identify a full spectrum of eye health and vision issues that can impact your child’s ability to learn.

Visual Skills Needed For Success

A comprehensive exam is needed to make sure all of the basic vision skills are functioning properly. Children with untreated vision problems can become frustrated and their academic performance may suffer. Some research suggests that untreated vision problems can even elicit some of the same behaviors as ADHD. Some of the basic visual skills needed at school include:

  • ability to focus the eyes
  • using both eyes together as a team
  • moving eyes effectively
  • recognition – the ability to tell apart letters like “b” and “d”
  • comprehension– picturing in the mind what is happening in a story
  • retention – the ability to remember and recall details of what we read

Good Vision Is Important For School Sports

Along with preparing for new classes, many students are dusting off their cleats and getting ready for school sports. A comprehensive eye exam can examine the visual skills needed for a specific sport, along with providing recommendation for any eye protection that may be required.

Is It Time For Your Student’s Exam?

Comprehensive eye exams are recommended at least once every two years. More frequent visits are recommended if risk factors or specific problems exist, or if recommended by your eye doctor.

Frequency of Examination

Patient Age Examination Interval  
  Asymptomatic/Risk Free At Risk
Birth to 24 Months At 6 months of age At 6 months of age or as recommended
2 to 5 years At 3 years of age At 3 years of age or as recommended
6 to 18 years Before first grade and every two years thereafter Annually or as recommended
18 to 60 years Every two years Every one to two years or as recommended
61 and older Annually Annually or as recommended

Do you have questions about your student's vision? We would love to answer any questions you might have.